LAD/Blog #13: Polk's War Message

The United States wishes to have peaceful relations with Mexico, and a group of diplomats was sent to try to negotiate peace, but the Mexican government refused to listen to them. John Slidell was sent to negotiate and was well-received, but the Mexican president then resigned and Mexico fell under the rule of a military leader. When Slidell attempted to negotiate with this new government, he was turned away and told to return to America. This was a clear violation of a deal that Mexico had made with the United States that allowed us to negotiate with them. Texas has been annexed, is an important part of our union, and troops have been sent to protect it. Mexican troops nearby became hostile, and told the Americans to leave. Later, a fight began, and 16 American troops were killed or wounded. Because Mexico has been aggressive and invaded American territory, there is no option but to go to war.

Image result for polk's war message
Polk's War Message

Image result for declaration of war
Synthesis: Woodrow Wilson calls for entering World War 1 in 1917


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